Monday 5 May 2008

Billy Childish

Browsing the internet for Peter Doig jargon, when out of the Wikipedia waffle sprung a name. Billy Childish.
That's a name that rings a bell, I thought. I stumble from my mattress and scramble through a heap of literature, towels and clothes on my standard student dig's floor. There it was, "Big Heart and Balls" Billy Childish, a book i had recently came across in the library. A collection of poems and paintings which I thought were great, but I never really continued my investigation of this "Childish" character.
So (as you do) I "Googled" the name Billy Childish to discover a little about this man and his past.
I was pleasantly surprised.
"He has published more than 40 collections of poetry, written four novels, recorded more than 100 full-length independent LPs of punk, rock'n'roll, and Medway-delta blues and produced more than 2,500 paintings..."

Bloody Hell, Billy's been a busy boy!

Billy Childish, Artist, Musician, Poet and enigma.
"...a cult figure in America, Europe and Japan, Billy Childish is by far the most prolific painter, poet and songwriter of his generation."
I learn he's been a great influence on musicians such as Kurt Cobain, Mudhoney and Jack white from the White Stripes.
Here's a character I want to know more about.

April 8th
I start my research by just trying to gather a bit of general knowledge about the man.
I discover he went to St Martins college of art, where he met Peter Doig, but got expelled in 1982 and lived as an artist on the dole for fifteen years.
I discover about his relationshib with the artist Tracy Emin and his influence on her.
When asked who was the biggest influence on her work, she replied...

"Uhmm... It's not a person really. It was more a time, going to Maidstone College of Art, hanging around with Billy Childish, living by the River Medway."

April 11th
NME- "The most garage and most punk rocker alive."
I learn that he's been in a phew punk acts, and his current band "Musicians of the British Empire" still play regular gigs in tavern to this day.
So I try desperately to find a gig I can attend soon. But no luck.
I'll keep looking.

April 12th
Still in his music background I listen to some of his stuff. Raw as hell bluesy, punk rock and roll.
It seems he had no interest in producing music of "good quality" recordings. He wanted simply to capture the raw energy of punk. I learn he recorded a lot of stuff himself, hence produceing so many records.
On this note I try recording some of my own songs with this "punk ethic" in mind.
I am truly inspired.

April 16th
Casually reading "Big heart and balls" on the bus, I am inspired to write some passages of poetry of my own.
Maybe not good poetry, but poetry none the less. I am starting to understand why he's such a cult figure, and such a strong influence on so many people. The Mystery, the anarchy and the carelessness is so appealing.

April 26th
Back to researching on the internet, I learn more about his past and childhood.
His real name is Steven John Hamper, and " he has detailed his love life and childhood sexual abuse, notably in his early poetry and the novels My Fault and Sex Crimes of the Futcher."
It's strange, so many of my idols were troubled souls. Elliot Smith, Kurt Cobain, Richey James Edwards to name but a phew.
It seems Billy Childish falls into the same category.
I also discover he was the founding member of "The Medway poets", a poetry performance group formed in 1979.

April 29th
Billy Childish talks art.
Billy childish will be giving a Talk on art at the Tate Modern on the 24th of May at two o'clock.
I shall most definitely be attending!

After looking at this astonishing man's work and lifestyle, it's safe to say I'm hooked like so many others.
I dare say he's a bit of a "Marmite character", you either love or hate.

Billy Childish. Legend

"Big Heart and Balls"- Billy Childish


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